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Georgia 1325 National Action Plans

Percentage of population covered by activities on potential risks and threats as well as conflict prevention issues, aimed at raising public awareness; number of participants, disaggregated by sex. Women who do run for office are disproportionately targeted with violence and harassment, particularly in the online space. The Caucasus Resource Research Center illustrated this trend in research conducted around the parliamentary elections. Reviewing the comments on the Facebook pages of 491 majoritarian candidates from August 31 to November 21, 2020, CRRC found that women received 40 percent of the comments categorized as abusive, despite comprising only 22 percent of the monitored profiles. These comments often called for women to return to stereotypical gender roles of staying home and caring for children or attributed their success to personal or sexual relationships with prominent men.

UN Women provides technical assistance to the government of Georgia to improve policies and legislation and build individual and institutional capacities in response to violence against women and girls and to strengthen the women, peace and security agenda. In close partnership with the Swedish International Development Agency, UN Women has helped the government of Georgia establish the country’s first women’s shelters, and launch a domestic violence helpline for survivors of domestic violence. With the support of high profile men from sports, arts and media, UN Women promotes respect for women’s rights and gender equality and raises awareness about violence against women and girls and domestic violence. UN Women provides technical support to the government in mainstreaming gender into the Security Sector Reform and supports the policymaking process around the landmark UN Security Council Resolution 1325 and subsequent resolutions. Gender perceptions in Georgia place men in a dominant position in many areas of social, economic and political life. There is a significant gender gap in labour force participation with the gender wage gap reaching 35 per cent.

Georgia ranks 46th in the country and has the highest uninsured rate for women in this age group in the deep South apart from Mississippi . Almost one in five women (19.3 percent) in Georgia of reproductive age (18-44) has no health insurance. This is one of the highest rates in the country and, even more notably, one of the highest rates in the deep South—where only Mississippi has a significantly higher rate (21.2 percent) of uninsured women of reproductive age.

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  • Everywhere I have lived has had positive and negative aspects.

Some things I like, and some I don’t (as with any country, there will be the inevitable few, who will say the tired “if you don’t like it go back to where you came from!“). On balance I’d say I’m very happy here and have no plans to move. This is my own very personal viewpoint, I realise others will have different likes and dislikes, particularly with regards to the Khachapuri (cheese-bread)! I have also lived exclusively in the capital, Tbilisi, which I appreciate is very different to living in a Georgian village. Women in Georgia live in a society which has been changing over the centuries, where, after decades of Soviet regime, from the 1990s onwards, the culture has seen rapid social changes and new emerging values, but has also been affected by economic instability.


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Eight years in Georgia: The Good, the Bad and the მახინჯი

The forum was organised by the Municipal Service Providers’ Association of Georgia and the United Nations Development Programme . It was supported by the Government of Sweden and the International Republican Institute. Smoking is very common here, it is cheap compared to Western Europe and many smokers seem oblivious to those around them, it pains me to see people smoking around children. Smoking has recently been banned in public buildings which is good, although it often means smokers congregating around the exit, puffing away.

Yet, gender stereotypes remain deeply rooted, leading to many challenges inhibiting the achievement of gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls. Ensure appropriate training of military units, peacekeeping forces and police units on gender issues and on UN Security Council Resolutions 1325, 1820, 1888, 1889 and 1960, especially on prevention, identification and response to gender based violence against women and girls. To shift public perception of women in politics, the Women of Georgia project, supported by NDI, launched #PolitikaSHE ahead of the 2020 elections. The aim of the project is to focus public attention on how stereotypes and intimidation can hinder women’s political participation, and how excluding women from politics is detrimental to all Georgians. The campaign managed to reach more than half a million Georgians in all regions of the country through Facebook. Pregnancy tests are available in at least one location in every county in Georgia, regardless of county residency. Urine pregnancy tests are completed by health department staff and results are provided within a few minutes.

As the situation for Georgia women has changed over the past three decades, we have adapted our focus to meet the needs of the day. Currently, our efforts are centered around three main pillars—human trafficking, maternal mortality, and women’s health—and we partner with other government agencies and organizations across the state to address these issues. Our overarching goal is to continue to advocate for a Georgia where women can thrive. The event brought together women members of local councils from all regions of Georgia, and representatives from the Georgian Government, Parliament, political parties, civil society and international organizations. It discussed women’s role in advancing local politics as well as cooperation between the Parliament’s Gender Equality Council and the municipal Gender Equality Councils. Georgia has made significant progress in adopting antidiscrimination legislation and numerous policies in support of the protection and promotion of human rights.

A Decade of Living in Georgia: the Good and the Bad…

The upcoming 2021 local elections will provide yet another opportunity to increase women’s representation in politics and government, as gender quotas come into effect requiring one of every two candidates on proportional party lists to be a woman. GENEVA — Georgia’s failure to investigate and prosecute gender and honour-based violence against a woman, who was severely beaten by family members in front of her young children, contributed to her death, the UN women’s rights committee has found.

UN Women in Georgia is part of the UN Resident Coordinator system, leading and coordinating the work of the UN Country Team on gender equality and the empowerment of women, and chairs a multi-stakeholder Gender Theme Group. That night, the village governor and police officers were called to the victim’s father’s house where they saw her crying and begging for help as her family members wanted her to take a jar of rat poison. The village governor took her away for the night but returned her to her mother the next morning. One day later, Jeiranova’s mother found her dead, her body hanging by a rope in the garden shed. The NAP will be undergo regular evaluations that will assess how delivery processes of the NAP’s strategic outcomes are led by government ministries and institutions to asses how challenges are addressed and what best practices are to further build upon. Based on the evaluations, if necessary, a set of amendments to further improve the NAP will be submitted to the Parliament of Georgia for approval.

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